Join the Franks & Co. team of professional patent and trade mark attorneys, formalities and support staff.

We are continuously looking for people who will strengthen or complement our capabilities. We will consider appointments at all levels and roles, including secretarial, administration, support, legal, technical and customer interface.
We always have vacancies at European patent attorney level for the right candidates. We will consider speculative approaches from qualified European patent attorneys. There is flexibility in our firm, and we would be very happy to discuss positions within our firm on a strictly confidential basis.
If you have an impressive technical background, relevant private practice experience in patents, trade marks and designs, and if you are capable of making an immediate positive contribution to our firm then we would like to hear from you.
Please note that recruitment agencies generally charge patent agency clients a fee of typically 20% to 33% of first-year salary. Therefore, all other things being equal candidates who apply to us direct have an advantage over those who apply via a recruitment agent. However we do also take candidates on through recruitment agencies.
Training Positions
Candidates for training positions, please note:
The minimum experience period under supervision of a European Patent Attorney required by candidates to sit the European Qualifying Examination is now 2 years for the pre-exam, and 4 years for final exam.
Candidates for the European Qualifying Examination require University level technical or scientific degree. Mechanical engineering, aerospace/aeronautical engineering, electronics, electrical engineering or material science are examples of acceptable degrees.
The minimum experience period required before the central industrial property office of an EU member state to qualify as a European Trade Mark Attorney under Article 93(2) Council Regulation EC 207/2009 is 5 years.
Qualification as a UK registered trademark attorney is now obtainable via the specialist course at Nottingham Trent University, “Professional Certificate in Trademark Practice”. For details see the website of Nottingham Trent University.
Registration as a UK trademark attorney can lead to re-registration as a European Trade Mark Attorney, without the need for completing 5 years experience under Article 93 Council regulation EC 207/2009, and provides an alternative route to qualification as a European Trade Mark Attorney.
Franks & Co are accredited by the Living Wage Foundation as Living Wage employers and are committed to paying fairly and responsibly for the services of our staff.