As outlined in a recent UKIPO blog post, the City of Sheffield has been instrumental in developing and progressing intellectual property law in the United Kingdom since at least the 17th century, and continues to do so.
On the 19th of July, 2017, the UKIPO issued a blog post entitled ‘The Sheffield Process – The Evolution of Intellectual Property’ in which the City of Sheffield’s history in trade mark law is highlighted, in particular:
- the Hallamshire and Sheffield Cutlers’ use and regulation of hallmarks with regards to the origin and quality of products in the 17th Century;
- Robert Jackson of Spear & Jackson Tool Manufacturers (a company operating out of Sheffield to this day) giving evidence in the House of Commons leading towards the creation of the trade mark register in the 19th century and;
- the founding of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre in 2001 by the University of Sheffield, which now has over 100 industrial partners including Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Airbus, and recently McLaren.
Hallamshire and Sheffield Cutlers (the Company of Cutlers) are still involved in guaranteeing the ongoing origin of products as part of the Sheffield Defence Committee (also comprising the Sheffield City Council, and the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce). The Sheffield Defence Committee is at the forefront of defending the sizable reputation of the City -Most recently the Defence Committee, as Made in Sheffield Ltd, secured a certification mark for MADE IN SHEFFIELD to certify the quality of goods produced in the region.
Franks & Co has been privileged to have been a part of the creation of this history, and in doing so has helped further the interests in intellectual property for businesses in the city region; recently becoming a supporter of the certification mark ‘Made in Sheffield’ which certifies the origin of products manufactured in the Sheffield city region.
Article Published July 21st, 2017