A new agreement between the European Patent Organisation and the government of the Kingdom of Morocco will enter into force on 1 March 2015.
This is the first such agreement to be made with a non-European State. From that date, it will be possible to validate European patents and European patent applications (including PCT applications containing a designation for a European patent) in Morocco. European patents and applications validated for Morocco will have the same legal effects there as Moroccan ones, and will be subject to Moroccan patent law.
The following information concerns the validation of a European patent granted on the basis of a PCT application. Validation of such a European patent in Morocco will occur at the applicant’s request, and will be deemed requested for any international application filed on or after 1 March 2015. Note that it will not be available for PCT applications filed prior to that date, nor for any European patents resulting from such applications.
Article Published February 27th, 2015