World Intellectual Property Day is recognised every year on 26th April

World Flags

World IP Day's aim is to increase the awareness and understanding of “how patents, copyright, trademarks and design rights impact on daily life”, and “to celebrate the creativity and contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of societies across the globe”.

World IP Day 2020 is putting innovation at the heart of efforts to create a green future. This year’s campaign will celebrate the inspiring inventors and creators around the world who are hoping and investing to make the future greener.

If you would like any more information on this year's World IP Day, please click here.

If you require any advice on how to obtain intellectual property advice then please do not hesitate to contact us at

If your invention is also of environmental benefit, it may be possible to obtain accelerated prosecution of your application, see our link here:

Article Published April 20th, 2020