Franks & Co offer flexible, tailored, intellectual property right portfolio management.

If your company requires a single supplier for all your patents, trade mark and design maintenance, we offer an "all under one roof" service for your whole portfolio of intellectual property including patents, trade marks, designs and utility models. Full listings of all your cases help you manage your whole portfolio, and see at a glance your intellectual property on a country by country basis.
We can work flexibly with yourselves to meet your needs, for example renewing each IP right by default via a global instruction as they come up for renewal. We pay the fee and send you our invoice in the normal course of business. If you wish to terminate any intellectual property case, then we terminate renewal payments once we have received your instruction. This is by far the most administratively convenient way of maintaining your intellectual property portfolio.
Some clients prefer to renew their IP on request. This allows the client to continually assess which IP rights they require to be in force and minimise waste. Here we issue a reminder to you every time an intellectual property case comes up for renewal. We pay the renewal fee when we receive your instructions, with the default condition that if no instructions are received, then the renewal fee is not paid. This service is popular with smaller clients, and clients who have rapidly changing product lines.
For client’s with large trade mark portfolios we offer full portfolio management. Instructing us to manage all matters for both pending and granted trademark applications has the advantage that we can review each mark as it comes up for renewal, and inform you whether any consolidation of legacy single class trade marks can be made to multi class marks. Alternatively, multiple individual foreign marks, for example in European nation states, could be consolidated into a single multi class European Trade Mark registration. Portfolio consolidation and clean up makes management of rights simpler and more cost effective in the long run.
We can work to customer defined instructions to suit the particular needs of your portfolio.
In the short video below, European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney Dr Robert Franks discusses the management of portfolios of different intellectual property rights, including patents, trade marks and designs.