Chartered & European Patent Attorney and Chartered Trade Mark Attorney

E: T:+44 (0)114 249 9888
- International Patent Attorney (WIPO)
- European Patent Attorney (EPO)
- Chartered Patent Attorney (UK)
- Patent Attorney Litigator (UK)
- International Trade Mark Attorney (WIPO)
- Chartered Trade Mark Attorney (UK)
- International Design Attorney (WIPO)
- LLM in Intellectual Property Litigation, Nottingham Trent University
- PhD in Semi-Conductors, University of Sheffield
- MSc in Microwaves and Optics, University College, London
- Bachelor degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, King College, London
Robert founded Franks & Co in May 1996. He has over 30 years experience in general patent and trade mark agency, covering a wide range of generalist technologies, and the whole gamut of intellectual property including patents, designs, trade marks, copyright and licensing.
European Patent Attorney, Chartered Patent Attorney, Chartered Trade Mark Attorney, Certificate in Intellectual Property Litigation, Chartered Engineer, European Engineer (FEANI), Degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kings College, London, Msc in Microwaves & Optics, University College, London, PhD in Semiconductors, University of Sheffield, LLM in Intellectual Property Litigation, Nottingham Trent University
Robert read Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Kings College London, then gained his MSc in Microwaves and Optics at University College London followed by a PhD in Semiconductor Technology at the University of Sheffield.
Industrial and research experience includes working for British Aerospace and General Electric Company in addition to industry focused University based research. He has published papers on GaAIAs/GaAs III-V materials, photo-detectors, and optical fibre systems.
Robert is a representative before the UK Patent Office, UK Trade Marks Registry, UK Designs Registry, European Patent Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
A major part of Robert's practice is representing large US, Japanese and far Eastern corporations before the European Patent Office, and servicing the ever increasing demand from abroad for high quality representation before the EPO.
In the field of patents, Robert is experienced in computer software and hardware, business methods, electronics, telecommunications and electrical engineering. He serves on the Computer Technology Committee of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents.
Robert also has a wide range of general experience acquired over the years, including in the fields of building products, control, medical devices, civil engineering, fluid motors, automotive engineering, mechanical handling equipment, oil and gas, retail point of sale equipment, sensors, transport, health, robotics and consumer durables.
Robert is qualified in civil litigation and has experience with litigating of twelve trade mark, copyright and design cases in the UK High Court and Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC), as well as additional oppositions and oral proceedings at the European Patent Office and the UK Trade Marks Registry. Robert serves on the Special Interest Group for Patent Litigators, of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents.
For Trade Marks, Robert has over 30 years experience in the filing and prosecution of UK, European, International and foreign trade mark applications for well known high street brands including those in the domestic home appliance and sanitation industries and retail as well as for a wide range of smaller and medium size companies, and has experience of managing worldwide trade marks portfolios for several well known brands.
Robert is also active in the securing and enforcement of registered and unregistered design rights, in the UK, and abroad.
Robert is a Director of Franks & Co Limited, Franks & Co (Mancunium) Limited and Franks & Co Europe BV.
- Member of EPI (European Patent Institute)
- Fellow of CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys)
- Member of CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys)
- Member of FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle)
- Member of IET (Institute of Engineering Technology)
- Member of FEANI
- Robert is a Chartered Engineer (C Eng). Robert is also a European Engineer (Eur Ing).