Today, April 26, is World Intellectual Property Day, a day which marks...
In recognition of registering the certification mark MADE IN SHEFFIELD...
In 2016, Franks & Co turned twenty years old.
Laura Green at our Sheffield Office has been entered onto the list of...
Louise Mortimer at our Northampton Office has been entered onto the list...
Thanks to the generosity of many of the staff of Franks & Co Limited, a...
My great-grandmother died at the age of 93 in 1989. She irritated her GP...
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United...
On Sunday October 28, 2012 Robert Franks abseiled down the Sheffield...
Sheffield based firm, Franks & Co European Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys...
The Patent Box tax relief initiative will come into effect in the UK...
Franks & Co. has a newly qualified European Patent Attorney.